Conditions and Evaluation of the Route of China Segment in Pacific Submarine cable System
中文关键词:  海底光缆  路由勘察  分析  评价  措施
英文关键词:submarine light cable  route survey  analysis  evaluation  countermeasures
陈坤 1. 国家海洋局三沙海洋环境监测中心站海南 海口 5703114. 国家海洋局南海分局广东 广州 510310 
贺惠忠 2. 国家海洋局南海调查技术中心广东 广州 5103004. 国家海洋局南海分局广东 广州 510310 
陈巧弟 1. 国家海洋局三沙海洋环境监测中心站海南 海口 5703114. 国家海洋局南海分局广东 广州 510310 
张志强 3. 国家海洋局北海海洋环境监测中心站广西 北海 536000 4. 国家海洋局南海分局广东 广州 510310 
陈三江 1. 国家海洋局三沙海洋环境监测中心站海南 海口 5703114. 国家海洋局南海分局广东 广州 510310 
王浩展 1. 国家海洋局三沙海洋环境监测中心站海南 海口 5703114. 国家海洋局南海分局广东 广州 510310 
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      Based on survey with multibeam system, side scan sonar, subbottom profiler, magnetometer, gravity core sampler and other data obtained in the route survey area of Pacific Light Cable Network System China Segment, we analyzed and evaluated the natural environment and engineering geologic conditions in the route area in details including: seabed terrain is flat and the average slope is less than 2°;the route crosses clay/silt gravel gravel/consolidated sand seabed areas, slight bad geomorphic factors such as sand waves pit erosion ditch etc. ,the route area is suitable for cable laying . But in the region between continental shelf and continental slope the condition is undulating, with a maximum drop of 500m, Submarine canyon trench erosion valley scarp etc., are found in the route area, After adjusting the route in the area where condition is relatively worse, and appropriate measures should be taken before laying. The conclusion is that the natural and engineering environment of the submarine light cable route area is suitable for cable laying.
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